Shichimi Togarashi, also known as “Seven spice powder” or simply Shichimi, is a spicy Japanese chili pepper blend that we import from Japan. The 7 spices in this blend are chili pepper, orange peel, black sesame seed, white sesame seed, Sansho Japanese pepper, ginger, and seaweed.
Shichimi Togarashi is often used as a seasoning in soups, noodles, hot pots, and rice products such as rice cakes and crackers. It’s also a popular tableside condiment in Japan.
5 out of 5
Shichimi Togarashi
Was excited to try this so a sprinkled a bit on my omelette this morning. The flavor is just WOW! My cooking just got instantly better.
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2 out of 2 people found this helpful5 out of 5
Togarashi Powder
Love this spice powder! It has a good amount of heat and goes really well with any kind of fish or poultry.
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